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Banking Uncovered

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Banking Corruption Uncovered
How is money created?
Why is money created?
What do banks really invest your money in?
Do you know how banks operate?
Ever wonder why there is London & a City of London?
What is the British Establishment? 
Why are the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer?
Do you think YOU gain when the property market rises?
Over half of all global offshore wealth is hidden in Britton's secrecy jurisdictions
Britton's Offshore Empire is the largest Tax invader 
What are the "Bond's" & "Trust's" that bank's invest in?
The Bank of England have a licence to print money, costing penny's they sell to banks for face value (no interest) the banks then loan the money with interest and the profit from that interest goes to the treasury approx. £18 billion in the last ten years creating 1.2 trillion pounds in profit, and what happens to that profit? 
Who Controls All of Our Money - click HERE
How is Money Created? – Everything You Need to Know - click HERE
Britain's Second Empire - click HERE
97% Owned - Economic Truth documentary - How is Money Created click HERE
Generation OS13: The new culture of resistance - click HERE
Shocking information on the banking system watch the film "Zeitgeist

Validation Of Claim - HERE


Subject Access Request to Bank - HERE


 Qestions to ask the Bank - HERE

Notice of Financial Hardship - HERE


1st Bank Letter -  Debt already with a DCA - DebtNinjas - HERE


2nd Bank Letter - Debt already with a DCA - DebtNinjas - HERE

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