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Bee suggests writing a letter to your MP's of Notice of Conditional Acceptance of further lockdowns,
below is wording for the Notice (adjust accordingly and copy and paste) or click HERE
Your contact details here
Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal
First Name, Surname (Acting as the Right Honourable First Name Surname)
Dear (first name, surname)
Re: Lockdown from 5th November to 2nd December 2020
I am writing to advise you of my conditional acceptance of the above proposed lockdown, subject to the following provisos:
documented, independent scientific evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and proved to actually exist;
documented, independent scientific evidence that lockdown is, at the present time, the most effective method of eradicating the alleged virus SARS-CoV-2;
documented, independent scientific evidence that, within the United Kingdom, SARS-CoV-2 is registered as a high consequence infectious disease, causing high numbers of fatalities across a range of age groups;
documented, independent scientific evidence that the method of detecting transmission used within the United Kingdom is
fit for purpose as a test for the alleged SARS-CoV-2;
is able to isolate and detect SARS-CoV-2 only in each test subject;
that the detection method is being used in alignment with its design purpose;
documented, scientific evidence that the NHS nationwide has been, since March 2020, and still is, in need of protection due to the overwhelming number of hospitalisations for the alleged SARS-CoV-2;
that you, as my Member of Parliament, together with all Members of Parliament, who voted for this second lockdown (from 5th November) are prepared to take full accountability for your actions and are prepared to compensate me, together with any member of this country, to a minimum of £50,000 and a maximum of £5,000,000 from your own assets (not the privy purse or from the taxpayer) for any harm, loss or injury caused as a result of your decision to approve this lockdown; this notice of liability to be countersigned by a notary public and payment to be made within 30 days of proof of claim with compound interest accruing at 25% per calendar month; solicitors’ fees for both parties paid from the member of parliaments’ assets, said letter of liability to be made public throughout the United Kingdom;
that you, as my Member of Parliament, together with all Members of Parliament who voted for this second lockdown, as a gesture of goodwill as a servant of the people, pledge to only receive 80% of your gross salary (including expenses) for the full term of this second lockdown and donate the remaining 20% to your local foodbank in order to support those detrimentally affected by this second lockdown; said pledge to be countersigned by a notary public and made public across the United Kingdom and evidenced at the end of the second lockdown by the individual foodbanks to which individual Members of Parliament donated; this also to be made public throughout the United Kingdom.
If I have not heard back from you within 30 days with the independent, documented, scientific evidence, notice of liability and pledge of goodwill, then I will consider the matter closed and the lockdown voided due to lack of evidence, lack of personal and parliamentary accountability and lack of goodwill in service to the people.
Sent without prejudice.
Signed with your First Name and Surname
All rights reserved
Non waived ever
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My time on research takes me away from earning and time with my family and friends, however I believe strongly in getting the truth out there. I have and will continue to make many sacrifices personally, and financially to get this information to you, and only if you are able to do so, or feel led to, and please there is absolutely no pressure or obligation, as I will still carry on with my mission. Even the cost of a coffee would be very much appreciated. But like I say please do not feel like you have or need to.
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