Mask - Fact's

The Government has FAILED to conduct a Risk Assessment of the risks to the individuals of the public for the harms caused to them by mask wearing- or wearing a face covering.
Without such a Risk Assessment, the individual is NOT providing “informed consent” to wear a “medical device” (which a mask is as defined under the Medical Devices Regulations 2002).
A face “covering” falls to be regulated under the Consumer Protection Regulations. The Face Coverings Regulations are therefore - prima facie - unlawful and should not be enforced.
Face Coverings Regulations are ultra vires the Government’s powers, but that legal argument is ongoing.
Anyone being asked to wear or use a medical device - such as a mask - should be medically assessed by an Occupational Health team for their INDIVIDUAL risk posed to them by wearing a mask.
Failure to conduct a Health & Safety Risk assessment is both a civil and a potentially criminal offence.
Therefore, both the Government and the Schools - and anyone else enforcing mask mandates in the absence of a full Health & Safety Risk assessment to an individual -, is acting unlawfully and can be held PERSONALLY liable for the damage caused to the individual.
Legal challenges are already being run against the “mask perpetrators” to challenge this unlawful and harmful mask mandate and cases are already being won, and damages for harm caused paid out.
If a “mask perpetrator “has not followed the law in forcing you to wear a mask, criminal investigations can follow under Health & Safety laws.
It is a breach of both the right to privacy and the Equality Act 2010 to ask for medical evidence in this manner.
Masks worn by the public in community settings, do not prevent transmission of a virus particle as tiny as SARS-CoV-2: that is what the scientific research evidence shows.
Masks can INCREASE the risk of transmission if not face-fitted and fit-tested for the individual wearer as leakage occurs.
Masks can INCREASE the risk of secondary bacterial and fungal infections due to incorrect putting on and taking off the mask, incorrect storage, and lack of sterilisation of the contamination collecting on the surfaces of the mask.
These contaminates are then inhaled: the moisture and humidity of the mask is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungus which multiply in the mask fibers.
A German children’s charity has commissioned a laboratory to examine a commercially available mask, the face mask was previously worn by a child in school for eight hours. Examination findings detected 82 bacterial colonies and four mold colonies.
These are then inhaled deeply into the lungs where they multiply further, along with the loose fibers of the mask which collect in the lungs.
Secondary bacterial lung infections are a major risk factor from inhaling bacteria into the lungs. Secondary bacterial lung infections were the major cause of death in the Spanish Flu. They had cloth mask mandates then too. See a correlation??
Masks cause multiple organ damage - some of which is irreparable and permanent.
Masks cause social, cognitive, emotional, and psychological harm too.
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