Birth Certificate
As there is so much information, it is very difficult to keep this site up-to-date so please join us - Face Book group HERE like my page HERE
Who are you? Ever heard the word Strawman?
Who owns you through your Birth Certificate?
Government and Banks trade and earn thousand's off your Birth Certificate ...
Through your birth certificate you become part of a corporation ...
You are not a person you are a legal Personality ...
All will be revelled in the links below
Meet your Strawman - HERE
When you were Born This Happened - click HERE
Stand your Ground: Lawful/Legal Self Defense Am I a WO/MAN - click HERE
Caught in The Matrix of Commerce and How to Escape it - click HERE
Also check out my page's on Santos Bonacci and Jordan Maxwell
Did you know...
You are a "strawman" or a Person... not man or woman
You do not own your Birth Certificate
You don't even own the copyright to it, the crown does
Your birth Certificate can not be legally used as proof of id as it is not yours
Your Birth and Death is registered at sea, making you part of maritime law (I urge you to watch Santos Bonacci & Jordan Maxwell and do your own research)
You are assumed dead at sea at the age of 7
Your Birth Certificate is a trust, find out who own's that trust and how much is it worth?
PLEASE, PLEASE do your own research.
Take back your Sovereignty and help others to..
My Recommendations
The Observation Deck
Unchained Remedy
The Sovereign Project
Sovereign Paralorefuls
Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you can get something from it.
I also hope that you can also appreciate my time and the costs of running this site along with costs for printing, leaflets, postage etc. I am not funded by Bill & Malanda Gates, nor any other government or corporation bodies.
My time on research takes me away from earning and time with my family and friends, however I believe strongly in getting the truth out there. I have and will continue to make many sacrifices personally, and financially to get this information to you, and only if you are able to do so, or feel led to, and please there is absolutely no pressure or obligation, as I will still carry on with my mission. Even the cost of a coffee would be very much appreciated. But like I say please do not feel like you have or need to.
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