In this film Zeitgeist (Just under 2hrs long, its not the 3.41hr's as stated) watch the first 32 mins and "The Truth" will be reviled.
You will discover amongst other things
That all God's are Solar Masseurs
All God's are Astrological
We are in the age of the fish - Pisces
What does the Fish symbol mean?
The "New Age" is coming in the year 2150-4300 - Aquarius

The "Epic of Gilgamesh" - Is the story of Noah's Ark foretold in 2600BC

Find out how the 10 commandment's are actually spell's taken from the Egyptian's "Book of the Dead"

Historian's that did not document the life of Jesus
Christianity is the biggest fraud of our age
"The Religious Myth" the church don't want you to know, and most, probably don't even know themselves.

More video's relating to Christianity
Secret Life of Symbols with Jordan Maxwell - HERE
The Hidden Truth with Jordan Maxwell - HERE
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