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The most important event for over 400 Year's

For you, your family, offspring & future generations


Let The Truth be known, & shown

Be part of this life changing event on Monday 22nd April Chelmsford Magistrates Court 10 New St, Chelmsford CM1 1NT.


This is not a rally or protest. This is a PEACEFUL event we want numbers to show who WILL stand up for and alongside their brothers and sisters.

We know you want your say, this is not the event for it your time will come. There will be designated speakers.

Join Pany Theo as he is attempting to bring back ‘The Rule of Law’. To find out more on the Rule of Law click HERE.

Pany has spent years and over £200,000 in his quest for justice, family members have been murdered by the very ones the people pay to look after and protect us, he has been beaten and kidnapped by police had his cars stollen, police have assisted bailiffs and to far too many other horrendous things have happened to him to mention here.

One of Pany’s family members murdered was his dad and 22nd April would have been his birthday, he had promised Pany that if he was alive, he would be with him, Pany knows he will be in spirit.

What Pany is doing on Monday at Chelmsford Magistrates Court hasn’t been done for over 400 years it has been hidden and kept from us for the greed of those who were put in power to protect us the people.

As this is to be done PEACEFULLY anyone who causes a disturbance of any kind will be seen as an infiltrators and dealt with by the many Sheriffs.

If anyone wants to be a Sheriff please email using the email below for times and place of training and certification on the day.

This will bring REAL justice to the many wrongdoers those who have abused their positions of power & trust.

It was us the people who put them there for us and it will be us the people that take them down for not doing what they are meant to.

Come and support PEACEFULLY Pany, Robbie the Rat Catcher (registered Sheriff) and Gary Waterman (18 years ex police who has 100 years’ worth of evidence from corporate fraud from HMRC and corporate bodies, Covid fraud, child trafficking and much more) on Zoom to talk to the police, and many more names in the real truth movement.

The deep corruption must stop and it seems the only way is to bring back ‘The Rule of Law’.  

Please come show your support for yourself family and all future generations and please share this. 

After the event please be sure to check back often for updates.

Watch Pany's latest video explaining everything HERE

Pany gives all his information for free; he is one of the most genuine, kindest, moral man I have ever had the pleasure to meet we only meet after I reached out to him after watching his interview with Richard Vobes HERE and I cannot thank Pany enough for not only what he has done for me but for what he is doing on the 22nd April.

If you would like to show your support and donate to Panny please email using the email address below he doesn’t ask for anything but I believe he should be compensated for his time.


Be sure to check out Pannys YouTube please subscribe like and share.

At the sharp end of the legal system with Richard Vobes - HERE

Due to commitments, I am unable to comment or answer questions at the moment if any please email Pany


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