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Meaning to Govern the Mind

The Government in the UK is not a government elected by the people at all. It is private all for profit corporation called HM Parliaments & Governments PLC. A statute (or act of Parliament): A legislative rule which is given the force of law with your consent. NOTE: a statute or act of Parliament IS NOT LAW. It is a rule or regulation or company policy of the private corporation HM Parliaments & Governments PLC. It has been confirmed as truth and fact following due process at HMCTS tribunal that for a claim made or an act or statute to be valid, then first there must be consent of the governed. This must be obtained by way of a formal contract between HM Parliaments & Governments PLC and you.

The Observation Deck Who Really Holds the Power - Parliament or the People? - HERE

The Observation Deck Why is the Government UK LTD dissolving? And snapshot of debt dealings - HERE

The Observation Deck UK GOVERNMENT DISSOLUTION UPDATE: Dodged a Bullet - HERE

The Observation Deck - UK MP's for Hire, £10,000 a day!!! Greed Exposed: HERE

More information coming soon

I have not personally joined this course yet but it is on my ever-growing to-do list  'JurisDictionery' online course and although its United States apparently, it’s easy enough to find UK versions of what the course presents. I have teamed with 'JurisDictionery' to receive a small commission for referral so please do use this link if you are interested HERE and if your able to support me in anyway even the cost of a cuppa then it would really be appreciated as every little helps.
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